Monday, November 8, 2010

Clam Jam #3

So it was a rainy poop day, huh? It was cold. It was windy. It was cloudy. Plus now apparently it gets dark at, like, noon. And here I thought I was all psyched for November. Until I have a giant turkey/cranberry sauce/stuffing Thanksgiving leftover sandwich resting on my stomach while I lean back in fullness and despair, and then just eat it all -- sandwich, despair and all -- in blissful hibernative delight (made it up), my opinion of November is going to remain about as low as my opinion for Keith Urban, and kids who shop at Hot Topic.

Anyway, days like this require a very special kind of music. First of all, you need a fucking pick me up. Second of all, you need to wallow in your gloomy melancholy, and snarl at the city a little, and get pissed at the wind a little -- which, I guess, isn't so melancholy after all. It's a pretty tough conundrum, a melancholic pick me up.

You know who can do it? Broken Social Scene.

1 comment:

  1. Gems from this post:

    "while I lean back in fullness and despair, and then just eat it all -- sandwich, despair and all..."

    "blissful hibernative delight"

    Journalsm win!
