Saturday, March 5, 2011

Clam Jam #15

Just revisited my "morning mix" for the first time since the fall, and shuffle uncovered this winner pretty quickly. Out of all my personal ego stroking moments, I think this is the most genuine, because I 100% do not remember a) adding this song to this mix or b) ever hearing this song at all, period. And yet, I'm like, "Yo, this song is just embodying my walk to the train at 8:47 a.m." (Alright, let's be honest, it's 8:53).

Semi-gratuitous clarification: This song embodies my walk to work when it's 28 degrees and overcast, a.k.a. all of January and February. Come July, it will be a whole new, probably-more-upbeat story.

1 comment:

  1. one of those songs once i start listening to it i immediately forget i am listening to it
