Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cool Like Space

So it looks like over the weekend when we coined the phrase "Cool like space," (while talking about deep sea creatures, of course) we were actually riding on the cusp of a rising wave of awesome. Space is back, full force.

Tomorrow the House will vote on a NASA appropriations bill, and they're slated to give nearly $2 billion extra per year by 2013.  Honestly, that's not really that much compared to a lot of things, but check out their upfront goal:

"The long term goal of the human space flight and exploration efforts of NASA shall be to expand permanent human presence beyond low-Earth"

Their goal is to get more people in space! We all know that the only thing cooler than space is going to space.  Even the U.S. government can get behind it. Basically this is the only time you'll ever get the chance to say, "Fuck yeah, Congress!" and mean it.

Oh, and did I mention that now, thanks to billionaire Richard Branson, we can go to space too?! That's right, astronauts. It's time to share your piece of the space pie. This means two things:

  1. Richard Branson is the coolest billionaire on the planet, and makes Bill Gates look like a nerdy asshole. 
  2. I need to immediately make friends with one of the other 937 billionaires (yup, looked it up) and make them give me $200,000.  Because I need to get to space like woah.
In the meantime, I'm going to be all "like, e-wow man" over Discover articles about space. I'll also desperately try not to be a nerdy ass like Bill Gates.  (I can feel the fail already.)

Oh, and in case you forgot how cool space is:

Oh, and in case you were expecting Morgan Freeman:

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