Monday, September 13, 2010

Go Out and Buy This Right Now

Mascara is not normally one of the things that gets me all excited. For the most part, I'm usually just annoyed that I have to shell out $10 every three months for some crap that DOES NOT give me eyelashes as long as my arms, contrary to what Drew Barrymore keeps telling me. When LashBlast came along, I settled, finally finding a mascara that was decent enough.

That is, until Maybelline The Falsies Volum' Express came along. Ridiculous name aside, this is the best mascara I have ever used in my life. While I do own quite a few high-end beauty products, I never spend the extra money on mascara since I have to buy new ones so often anyway. The real reason I bought Falsies in the first place is because it was on sale, and I'm cheap. For about $7, I'm pretty sure I've found a magic potion that makes me look like twiggy.

Since not all us can be blessed with eyelashes made of angel wings like Erika, I would highly recommend that every one of you go the nearest drug store and buy this immediately.


  1. Just flew over here by way of my eyelid hair to say, if I used falsies, I'd probably look like this:

  2. oh hey also... this is kind of phenomenal, no?

    (also google imaging "false eyelashes" is super fantastic fun)
