Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh My God

Now, I am not a religious person, mostly because of the Westboro Baptist Church. I have basically written off organized religion on the grounds that it makes people blinded and bigoted and self-righteous and just generally not fun to hang out with on the weekends. But now, I think I've found my man.

Meet Epimetheus, God of afterthought and the father of excuses.

Oh, I'm sorry I didn't cook dinner tonight. I spent the whole night praying to Epimetheus.

Oh man, that laundry. Yeah, sorry-- Epimetheus Day!

In addition to being a lazy son of a bitch, which I can totally respect, Epimetheus is also responsible for giving the animals their positive traits. I love animals! Epimetheus, you rule.

Oh and in case you wanted more of those cray crays over at the WBC, check out this gem of a clip from Michael Moore. You can't wait until Fred Phelps says, "You guys are headed straight to hell in a faggot's handbasket."

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