What better way to celebrate coming back from the dead than with a post about zombies?
Zombie love is the most important morbid dead stuff craze, clearly outweighing any of this current vampire nonsense. Those bloodsuckers are so petty and short-lived, they're already being taken over by werewolves. Full moons, rah rah. No way is any of that stuff ever going to hold a candle to zombies.
Over the decades, man's love for dead men eating other men has been expressed in a great number of ways. There are the movies, duh. But there are also books and calendars and garden ornaments and just all sorts of crazy stuff.
And there are many, many people--just average, ordinary, typically drunk people--who love to pretend they are the risen dead.
You have emo zombies...
Embarrassing dad zombies...
The zombies who like turtles...

This guy...
The I have a strange message about feminism zombies...
The holy shit you're actually a zombie zombie...

Zombie bunny?
And the always-confusing, not quite sure how I'm supposed to be feeling about this, sexy zombies.
Whew, what a thrill ride! Feel free to send in all your favorite zombie pictures because - hey! who's working?
Addendum: Remember that time we were those average, ordinary, typically drunk people who love to pretend they're the risen dead? We loved it so much.

ahahaha we were typically drunk. you were eating pizza, not brains.