I would not hesitate to call yesterday's weather the best Brooklyn has seen in at least a year. There were several points throughout the day where I literally walked down the street with arms outstretched, face tilted toward the sun and eyes closed. I didn't even trip, or walk into moving traffic. Wait, that second thing almost happened, but then it was like the city was my guide dog. New York saves the day again!
Some highlights from phase one of our romp, which began at Oslo, consistent maker of the best iced mocha latte I have ever had, and ended at the northernmost tip of Brooklyn, where we bumped into Janusz, standing outside of an old factory-turned-studio space, next to a James Bond-style mini-plane, which it turns out is owned by his father. It was at the end of phase one that our jaws literally hit the floor. Janusz has access to a plane like this! For realz! And I am getting a ride no matter what it takes. I'm also kind of confused (offended?) it took me so long to figure this out. Whatevs. Grudges don't get you rides in planes.
Anyway, back to the highlights:
Jackie Hoving, whose studio is in the Pencil Factory, made these really hilarious/badass collage paintings. Basically my new life goal is to save up enough money to put a bid on these two. (Couldn't decide which was cooler: kaleidescope bear, or owl vs wolf laser eye stare down.)
Rossa Cole, also at the Pencil Factory, had a lot going on, from photography to model airplanes made out of sticks, but it all tied together with a clear perspective on social and environmental responsibility, lightened up with a healthy dose of wit and whimsy. Plus he's super nice and has the cutest daughter -- bonus points!
Allison Read Smith, at the GMDG Building (where Janusz's dad keeps his fancy shmancy flying machine), also had a wide range of work, with a whimsical take. Plus she gave us a beer, so we love her. Some standouts were her stop motion films, and this amazing new project where she's collaging the heads of people from vintage stamps onto butterflies, and hanging them in frames with magnifying glasses that dangle from the bottom, so you can interact with the details of each one. Also I'm an idiot and didn't take pictures of any of this. I did snag a shot of her "Thugs," of which there were a trail around the massive GMDG Building leading to her studio space. See a bunch more here.
Oh, and I found the greatest combination lamp-table on the planet at Kill Devil Hill.
Do I have to mention the Christmas List?
At the end of all this, we got freeee pizzas at Lulu's, (and a really sweet vintage map calendar on the street!) followed by the most heavenly of futon naps. Phase two to come later, when we trekked it all the way back to Greenpoint for the light show. Pretty thrilling, right?
what the HELL janusz. I'm about to un-friend that kid in real life. Who doesn't tell people about that?? If my dad owned a plane, it would literally be the first sentence out of my mouth upon meeting people.
ReplyDelete"Hello, my name is Irena, my father owns a 2-person plane and I'm the coolest."