But man, they take up so much space! I live in a 2x4 box and I have a really hard time throwing out printed materials. Magazines I find stupidly hard, but at least I can do it every six months or so. But books? I can not throw out a book. I must hold on to it and stare at it taking up space on my shelf for all eternity.
There's something about feeling like you have a library that's really satisfying, right? That's why I'm really satisfied that an entire wall of my living room is taken over by a series of book shelves. Granted, only the bottom half of said shelf system is actually holding books, but that's because we happen to hold onto a lot of other junk too, specifically... curios. So there are some books in the kitchen and under the bed too, but WHATEVER. That's not the point. The point is putting lots of books together into a library is a super satisfying thing to do in life. Plus, it makes you look smart, and probably kinda cool. (Unless you're like me and you put your books together by genre. Then you're a nerd who should probably go work at the library and get it all over with.)
There are many ways to put your books to decorating use. Check it:
This bookshelf is combining my love for book storage with my intense love of maps, and well... it's intense. My love for it is intense. I want a grand foyay to display all of my amazingness amongst these stately shelves.
(I'd probably just fill the Alabama shelf with porn and the backs of cereal boxes, because let's get serious.)
Another really awesome thing to do with books is color code them. Full disclosure: I did this with my CDs back in the day when people actually had those.
Speaking of color coding, and other tedious tasks:
Woo, that was fun!
If you're going to decorate your home with books, then man, you gotta have a nook. Books and nooks is like peanut butter and jelly! Ricky and Lucy! Stickers and glitter!
(Sneak attack: some of these people combined their nooks and their books. It's pure genius.)
Hello!? This nook makes me want to get tuberculosis or something. I would never ever leave, and drink so much tea and paint my nails so many colors and read SO MANY BOOKS. (Assuming I wasn't dying or anything. Whatever.)

Aren't they beautiful?
I desperately want to live in a place where I can build a nook somewhere. For now, I can totally do this:
Who's up for a sleepover?
ahhh that first one is almost as good as my favorite nook of all time: http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2010/06/23/garden/20100624-chic-slideshow-11.html
ReplyDeleteAnd let's not even mention that I independently watched that bookcase organizing video yesterday. What's wrong with us? I'm getting seriously interior designy lately. I've stopped ogling boobies and started ogling expensive linens.
Rainbow books= amazing, especially when there's a pug involved.
I'm not even going to touch your stunning use of the word "stately" (except that I just did...)
oh my god. live there with me FOREVER
ReplyDeleteseriously, isn't it the most beautiful place you've ever seen? I don't even care that it doesn't have a kitchen or a bathroom...those things are far too base for an all-white space like that. Even the books are white!