Monday, October 4, 2010

I Haz 24 Yearz

Whoa guys, I've been mad MIA for the past two weeks. My clammiest apologies. I went on the most epic east-coast tour of all time during which I did tons of shopping with my mom and tons of drinking with my clams. After that it was my birthday, and I make a habit of not doing anything three days on either side of that glorious event.

After spending about a week doing nothing around my parents' house and playing with cats, I made the trek southward to play with Erika's cat, Gary Busey. He haz one years now, and a pretty epic birthday celebration to go with it. To be fair, I think we all had way more fun than he did. We invited about 20 people into his house, gave him his first dose of catnip, made him wear silly hats, and sang "Happy Birthday" loudly and off-key into his sensitive cat ears.

Gary haz nip

Oh, and then we left him all alone while we continued on to the fun part of the evening. It was my long-awaited foray in to Bulgarian Bar , "New York City's ultimate multi-national drunken-Balkan disco dive barextravaganza." Check out the live video feed, you won't regret it.

Ladies: you look fly as fuck. Boys: Open your eyes.

All good things must come to end, though, and soon I was on a plane back west where I accidentally watched the end of the most recent episode of Teen Mom. I really spoiled things for myself, since I still have a good six hours of Teen Mom to watch before that. Somehow, I think I'll make it. More importantly, though, I realized that five days is simply not enough time to properly express my love to all my clams in the city. So next time, I hope you're all prepared because I may never leave.

When I finally made it home, though, it was the day before my birthday and so celebration times could begin. I share a birthday with our dear friend and roommate, Thomas Daniel Spencer XII so it's usually a pretty good time. We left to go to the grocery store, and when we came back there was a birthday party for us! It wasn't even a surprise, just excellent timing. We were rewarded for making it to age 24 with gifts of funfetti cake and excessive amounts of tequila.

Birthday Dans!

I received many wonderful gifts from my nearest and dearest, including a kick-ass surprise kindle case that came in the mail! The gift to end all gifts, however, came from boyfriend.

Seriously, boyfriend doesn't fuck around. Do you see that basket?? the cloth part comes out and turns into a bag that I can take around town. Also, he painted the whole thing so now it matches my helmet.

Thank you all for reading this boring post about mine and Erika's cats birthday. Starting tomorrow, I will get interesting again. Scouts honor.


  1. i have so many comments for commenting, but i guess i'll just stick to this one: we are not kissy face people. i mean, as a group we just don't do it. i like to think it's on principle. and yet there we are, being fly as fuck, yet inexplicably throwing down simultaneous kissy faces. it's negating at least 25% of the flyness, is it not?

    also i'm glad that shirt translates so well on film.

  2. i just read this, and had a "wait a second-- i'm 23!" moment. way to write a clam, irena. i almost forgot your brilliance was here. (also, i hope i have this exact same moment when I'm 37.)
