Friday, October 15, 2010

A Sad Day for Clams Everywhere

When a member of our underwater family dies, clams everywhere mourn the loss. However, that doesn't mean that we don't go take pictures of its decaying body, because dead sea creatures are cool like dead space creatures. 2 weeks ago, a blue whale washed up on shore on Bean Hollow State Beach, outside Pescadero. Blue whales are the largest creatures on earth today, possibly even in the history of the world. This particular whale was 80 feet long and weighed 75 tons (150,000 pounds).

Look at how tiny those people are!

Scientists think this whale got hit by a boat, possibly because she was sick or confused, since whales are usually way too smart to get hit by stupid boats. But not's not even the coolest/saddest part! This monster of a sea creature was 9 months pregnant at the time of her death so the fetus washed up a few feet away.

Blue whales gestate for about 12 months. The scientists think momma whale was heading north to give birth to her calf in a few months. BUT LISTEN TO THIS: baby blue whales gain 200 pounds A DAY when they're young. That figure almost makes my head explode. Supposedly there was some kind of gas buildup inside the mother and her calf was literally expelled from her because of it. That may account for why a large portion of her midsection is missing, but I'm not really sure. I'm not scientist, I just happen to have a digital camera.

Hands down, my favorite part of this whole experience was the two guys who brought a six pack of Coors Orig and perched on a rock to just look at it. For some reason, I felt shame in taking a picture of them, but not this majestic dead creature. I'm not sure I can convey to you guys just how smelly 150,000 pounds of rotting flesh is, but it's definitely not the ideal atmosphere for sipping on a Banquet Beer.

Oh, and just in case you weren't grossed out before:

you know, just some giant intenstines


  1. whoa. whoa. whoa. didn't even fully comprehend that this is a first-person account for a little while. pretty jealous.

  2. oh my god. simply stunning. i regret that we haven't been able to obsess about it together until now!
