Actually, let's just talk about mine.
First, there are some things which I've mentioned before. I'll recap real quick so they're not lost and forgotten by Santa, or whoever else might want to contribute to the cause.
1. Bedazzled pony.

2.LED shoelaces.

3. Burberry Prorsum snow leopard jacket.

4. That antler lamp table we found at Kill Devil Hill.
5. United Bamboo kitty couture calendar.

As for the rest, well... this could get pretty long.
6. Dirty Pillowz. This is going out to Irena, because she of all people knows that any product with a Z in its name is something worth owning. Adding to the awesomeness is the Dirty Pillowz tagline: For Lovers of 70s Crafts and 70s Porn. I didn't know there were people in the world who don't love both those things, and I'd like to believe there aren't. So I guess that makes this the world's number one gift. Yup, everyone wants a pillow that combines 70s crafts and 70s porn. I think these are going to be the next Tickle Me Elmo craze, don't you?

7. Zoe Chicco Bow Ring. It's the cutest!

8.Sky Umbrella. Now, I am not a fan of umbrellas. Perhaps I lived in Boston too long and saw one too many helpless victim of the wind get their umbrella destroyed (and a picture of their struggle on the cover of the Globe). My general umbrella philosophy is that by the time the rain is bad enough for you to need one, the wind is also strong enough to render them frustratingly useless. In short, it's a waste of money. It's literally paying to look like an asshole.
That said, Tibor Kalman's iconic sky umbrella is the exception to my rule. It makes me want to tap dance across rainy West Village stoops, belting Singing in the Rain. I like to think if I owned a sky umbrella windy rains would cease to exist.

9. Pure Poison. Seriously, guys. I have been asking for this for every birthday, Christmas and miscellaneous gift-worthy event for the past two years. It's time.

10. Eggling Herb Kit. Ok, these are the cutest. Growing herbs is already a really cute thing to do. Growing herbs out of little eggs is so cute, it probably makes Asian school girls giggle. Oh wait, it's "extremely popular in Japan" you say? Called it!
So yeah, I'll take a baker's dozen.

11. Squirrel Candle Holder. Say what you want about Jonathan Adler. He makes a whole lot of stuff I want. Look at this little guy:

12. An aquarium table. I don't even think we have enough room in our house for this table, but I don't care. I will knock down walls. This would make Gary so happy, he would probably just kill himself with joy. And that's what Christmas is all about, isn't it?

13. An indoor waterfall. This would actually make Gary way, way happier than any old fish tank ever could. It might also make me and James the coolest people you know.

14. Kittenz! All of them. Tell Santa to bring them all.

15. A ModKat Litter Box. Once I get all those kittens I need to get them something to poop in, don't I? Really, this is just another example of Gary taking over my Christmas list. Not that I wouldn't love watching him bounce in and out of this thing like the cutest maniac on the planet.

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